Saturday, 29 June 2013

I'm Back~! :D

hello people!

i am finally home and successfully done the full coverage of Youth Challenge 2013. :)

the filming and the Youth Challenge 2013 ended last Saturday,22nd June. but.. as you guys know, i have not blogged although the filming was over, simply because i am too exhausted.

even now, i am having bad headache + fever.

speaking of Youth Challenge, it was challenging, alright. and of course, super exhausting!

if you do not have enough stamina, do not even think of participating. the most important stuff that you need will be you mental preparation. during the filming, some of the participants are on the verge of giving up, some of them fight with each other and bla bla bla. there really are a lot of drama going on. hohooo.

as the production crew, i.. honestly did not fancy how the organiser of the programme do the planning and etc. enough said about that.

as of my current condition.. i am having fever due to exhaustion, i think. and i think i am doing okay with my works. i still find some senior colleagues annoying, but so far, i can handle that. :)

thank you for reading. :) Merci Beaucoup!

Meimei ❤

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